Saturday 8 September 2012

Lumia 920 and Lumia 820.... Worst Product Lauch Ever

The Crown for the Worst Product Lauch should go to NOKIA..

To demo such a great product in such a bad way is what they have done. If they would even got help from Scott Gutherie to demo this product. This would be news on every single tech blog of the world. Instead you get some oh and ha here and there for such a great made product.....

Seriouly Brilliant Job with Nokia Lumai Series for Windows Phone 8. Sorry but such a bad execution is going to kill the product. iPhone was a success becuase of being a great product but also because of the execution of lauch, demo, advertisment and fast move to market after launch.

Microsoft and Nokia has got nothing right here. They are just standing there and waiting to be stoned by the people instead of entertaining them and selling them what they want them to talk about there product.

Nokia if you have great engineers get them to do great product but when it comes to lauch he really really need a person who can speak up and talk. Not everybody has to follow the path of Apple or Microsoft to lauch their product. You need to work out your own strategy..

Kudos to you guys for Wireless charging, Great Screen, Pure View (brilliant if it works the way tell it should) and awesome Windows Phone 8 OS...

It's all coming together. it time to get your marketing and communication right.

Goodluck WP8 / Nokia

Google is making an OS


Well there again, the last frontier that google is trying to do. Make an Google OS Why?

Chrome cannot make a dent in windows for sure. Eric Smith is never going to sleep till he has completed competiting against every single product of Microsoft. For it is him against Microsoft more than Google Vs. Microsoft.

Google needs an OS to compete against Microsoft for that what remains to be done for them.

They have strong presence in Mobile, Web and only area where they are week is OS. Microsoft is not existence on WEB and MOBILE and to kill it you simply need a OS with the hype level of google and a search page visited by everyone on planet, they just need to allow Google OS free download  , the way you get chrome browser on Google Page. Chrome has moved ahead of IE now.

Google has already bought out Open Office, now an Antivirus company and soon some open source media company and a mix of Ubuntu Linux and Android is what you all need to make it all happen.

Well next year this time we will surely be talking about Google OS... The last frontier for Google....


Monday 20 August 2012

Google want to steal everything

So finally google said that they would like america and everybody else to ditch the Software Patent System. So they can rip of everybody's good ideas and hardwork like they are currently doing with every other software business of small or big guys.

Why is this in benefit of Google?

Well google does not sell software like every other software business in the world to make money. They make money by copying all the data of the world and keep it on their server and then show it to the user as search result and get clicks on advertisment and make money. The people who would have work hard to create all the content have to helplessly feed their data to google to get a small amount of user on their website while google make majority of the money through ads. So clearly google does not need to sell software.

Android is a huge revenue source for them in the future as the company who makes product with those Android OS are the one in legal battles and not google itself. They copied every know good ideas of the Mobile OS of iPhone, Windows Mobile and now Windows Phone 8, nokias and everything. Call it as a open source Android Mobile OS so that they cannot be legally liable for it and never pay dime to anybody for those patents.. What a brilliant idea.

When it comes to search they will not get it open source. For that can kill their business and so at those times patents are good for them. but for everything else they are the ones who just don't need patents.

They will copy facebook samelessley for they can never work out with ORKUT which was much early then facebook. They never came with the ideas of App Store but then now they are getting max payout of it and benefitting from it without paying any royalties. They want to copy Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr and every good idea on the web. They will copy the complete MS-Office ideas and outlook ideas and sell it. They don't want to pay any royalities to those guys who actually made those idea workable by investing in them and putting their time and effort it in.

Obviously the most techonology Head of the google corp are India like Vic and Android Head etc.. Indian just believe that it is ok to copy everything there is good and are not required to pay for it. We can see the same mentality in Google now.

Go ahead you have the money to back the white house and political parties and get your agenda some traction in it. There are many more communities out there who would like to join in it for you.....

Go Google and steal every good idea of the world and then call it yours. The end user (consumer) in whose name you are telling that it is better to kill the patent system for consumer they only prefer free products more than anything and you can  provide it right. Only thing for the dumb consumer who look free as good of Google don't understand the complete experience became good for you in the first place is because some other company spent a lot of time and effor to make it happen and people and staff of google just stole everything and make money out of it.

The loss will always be for the cousmer for they will never get better innovation from company's who just keep stealing everything.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Bing and facebook can make a difference..

Bing has just shown some changes to their overall application and the new changes are being seen in many countries now. The search result have improved much more than they were previously. Still need to do more.

One thing is of complain, is that Bing is not using it home page photo and facebook like everywhere around the world except for US. If they do add that feature in all countries I am sure that will surely see a rise in the bing pages but again, its microsoft. It never came out of thinking outside US.

They are alwasy worried about US and seem to think that other countries does not matter much and I think that is where they are wrong.

Every single country where facebook is at a stronger position is an oppurtunity for microsoft to push bing and windows phone.

Hope they get this going. Bing and Facebook can make a difference. Hope microsoft can get this going...

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Office is just been Previewed

All the blog post around the Microsoft are talking about the Office 15. The new logo of the Office is just rocking smart. Great job...

Office does add a lot of features to the package and smart to the Apps for tablet users. Waiting to get my hands dirty with it.

One thing though Microsoft needs to worry about Google + Open Office... This can turn out to be a whole lot of competition in that area very soon.

Whatever it is? One thing is for sure Surface Line up of Hardware is going to be the deciding factor of Microsoft Future.

Hope they make Zune Phone based on Zune HD running WP8.

Monday 16 July 2012

Google + Quick Office - A Storm is Coming

It seems Eric Schmidt as always is desperate to see Microsoft Die. Obviously he could not achieve much with his days at Java and other company against Microsoft till he ended up with Google. And now with the backbone of Search and Google Apps. It seems he is all guns on Microsoft in every field.

I hope Microsoft has taken notice of Google + Quick Office. This will impact the biggest Cash Cow of Microsoft. They better start preparing and not leave it till the end before it is too late.

Google has surely figured, to beat Microsoft they need to beat the Office and they are going Nuts to get it done.

This is a storm coming for Microsoft and let see how it turns out....

Dark Knight Rises

It seems the theme of the movies fits more to Microsoft than anybody. After a long period being dependent upon all their partners and OEM and what not, Microsoft has finally learned the best way to survive is to built on their own guts.

Well with such a giant size company and a Start Cast team at Microsoft, it seems they have just came out of the cave after three years.

So wishing Microsoft a great success with start of next year as the Dark Knight Rises....
